Thursday, August 19, 2010

WTF with Marc Maron

If you haven't heard about him before, Marc Maron is a veteran comedian that started out in the late 80's with alternative heroes David Cross and Sarah Silverman. His bi-weekly podcast, WTF with Marc Maron, is full of hilarious and brutally honest rants coupled with amazing interviews that manage to craft a profile that very few professional journalists are able to obtain. Check out Marc's interview with Carlos Mencia where he manages to break down the deep laying insecurities that drive Carlos to steal jokes, go on power trips, and constantly fight in the effort of maintaining his massive popularity. And all without veering into Joe Rogan assault territory.

Watch a full setlist of his act below, or download the rest of his podcasts here or on iTunes.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

We Are Happy Landfill: The Decree

So, I figure that I should lay out my intentions of this blog.

For the most part, I want to make this a blog about every major part of pop culture (minus any mind numbing tabloid trash).

Now more than ever there is so much art to discover and experience that it's easy to miss or even forget about the most noticeable stuff out there much less the art that frequently gets lost in the mix. While I'll probably share a lot of stuff most people haven't seen or heard, it's not my intention to be the person that "discovered" anything I post. There are so many blogs out there already that are so in depth with one specific thing that anything I "discover" has been discovered 300 times over already.

My main purpose of this blog is to point people towards great art they may be missing or have missed out on in all areas: movies, music, TV, books, video games, etc. (Now that I think about it, though, I'm pretty sure that's the main goal of every blog but...well, you're here already.)

I'll also fill this thing with an occasional piece of amateur criticism the likes blogs are known the world over...mostly because it makes me feel self-important and also because I love writing and discussing things I'm passionate about.

Now...Top That!...?

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Super Furry Animals!

Ah geez, I haven't updated this thing in 8 months which is one month less than the time it would take to have a procrastination baby. But fuck it! Let's abort this shit, and bring things back with a video from The Flaming Lips of Europe, Super Furry Animals. The song is called Drygioni and it's off their album Mnwg, which is sung entirely in Welsh (a language spoke natively in Wales).